Resist, Rinse, Repeat: Crafting Apparel for Democracy

Resist, Rinse, Repeat: Crafting Apparel for Democracy

Absolutely! Here's the revised blog post with the top keywords woven in:

Hey there, fellow resisters! πŸ‘‹

Let's talk a little bit about why we're here, why this site exists, and what we hope to accomplish. I'm gonna be straight right from the start. Every single person involved in this project thinks Donald Trump and his administration are an existential threat to our democracy and the country that we love. Seriously, Foxtrot Delta Tango, we must resist these forces against all that is decent in this world. We are so worried that we may be watching the nation so many worked so hard to build get dismantled, piece by piece, in real time on our screens.

Since the election, we've all been reeling, wondering how this happened. I personally found it genuinely hard to believe that 77 million Americans woke up one day and chose hatred and ignorance over kindness and progress.

What we can't do is sit by and just wait for it to happen. At least, that's what we decided. I found myself sitting around one evening, doom scrolling on my phone and getting angry at strangers. All I could think was, this is NOT productive. I can be spending my time on trying to do something GOOD. Maybe, instead of falling into traps of negativity, I could do something fun with my friends and put something positive out there. Maybe we could start our own little resistance.

How might we do that? Well, we are a little snarky, and our group chats are chock full of great ideas. So, let's put that to use, let's create some fun resistance apparel that might help people express themselves through this. But, let's flip the script a little. We don't want to profit off Captain Bone Spurs or this disaster, seriously Foxtrot Delta Tango. What if we sold these products, but then donated EVERY SINGLE PENNY to groups fighting every day, building a resistance, to combat the hatred we are witnessing? Plus, why should we choose where that money goes? Why not be democratic about it? We can have the resistance (that's you) vote on where their money goes. Then periodically we tally the votes and donate the profit, all of it, to that cause or charity. Then we do it again, we literally Resist, Rinse, Repeat.

That's us... Resist, Rinse, Repeat. We create crafted resistance apparel designed for the people in an effort to build a resistance focused on doing some good and fighting back against fascism and hatred.

Ready to join the resistance? Check out our awesome apparel and make a statement! πŸ’ͺ


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